Office Staff

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Tony Venhuizen Chief of Staff. Tony serves as Chief of Staff to Governor Kristi Noem and as a member of the Governor's executive team. Tony previously served as a Senior Advisor to Governor Noem, as Chief of Staff and Director of Policy and Communications to Governor Dennis Daugaard, and on the South Dakota Board of Regents during the administration of Governor Mike Rounds.

  1. Staff definition, a group of persons, as employees, charged with carrying out the work of an establishment or executing some undertaking.
  2. Indeed Staff Office.
Office Staff
VA » Locations » Veterans Health Administration » Key Staff

Key Staff

Veterans Health Administration
Under Secretary For Health
Under Secretary for Health
Phone: (202) 461-7000
Richard A. Stone, MD
Acting Under Secretary
Steven L. Lieberman, MD, MBA, FACHE
Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Health
Phone: 202-461-7008
Jon M. Jensen, M.A.
Chief of Staff (10B)
Phone: (202) 461-7016
Cassandra M. Law
Acting Deputy Chief of Staff (10B)
Phone: 202-461-7016
Fax: 202-273-9069
Gerard R. Cox, MD, MHA
Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Quality and Patient Safety (17)
Phone: (202) 461-7571
Douglas Bannerman, PhD
Executive Director, Office of Research Oversight (10R)
Phone: (202) 632-6122
Renee Oshinski
Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Operations (15)
Phone: 202-461-7026
Michael Fisher, MSW
Chief Readjustment Counseling Officer (10 RCS)
Phone: (202) 461-6525
Lucille Beck, PhD
Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Policy and Services (10P)
Phone: (202) 461-7394
Carolyn Clancy, MD
Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Discovery, Education and Affiliate Networks (14)
Assistant Deputy USH for Organizational Integration (10A)
Phone: (202) 461-7008
Beth Taylor, DHA RN, NEA-BC
Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Patient Care Services (Chief Nursing Officer) (12)
Phone: (202) 461-6988
Jessica Bonjorni, MBA, PMP, SPHR
Chief Human Capital Management (106)
Phone: (202) 461-4076
Kameron L. Matthews
Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Clinical Services (11)
Phone: 202-461-4240
Laura Duke, MPP
Chief Financial Officer (104)
Bradley “Vince” Watts
Interim Director, System Redesign and Improvement (10E2F)
Tammy Czarnecki
Assistant Deputy USH for Administrative Operations (10NA)
Phone: (202) 461-7064
Teresa D. Boyd, DO
Assistant Deputy USH for Clinical Operations (10NC)
Tracy Gaudet, MD
Director, Office of Patient Centered Care (10NE)
Phone: (202) 461-0410
Valerie Mattison Brown, MS, MPA
Chief Strategy Officer (108)
Phone: 202-461-7115
Charles C. Hume, FACHE
Chief Informatics Officer (105)
Phone: (202) 461-5834
Karen T. Malebranche
Executive Director, Office of Interagency Health Affairs (10P5)
Phone: (202) 461-4000/4001
Rachel Ramoni, DMD, ScD
Chief Research and Development Officer (10P9)
Phone: (202) 443-5707
Deputy Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Health (10A)
Phone: (202) 461-7008
Maria Llorente, MD
Deputy to the Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Patient Care Services (12)
Phone: 202-461-7800
Neil C Evans, MD
Chief Officer, Connected Care (10A7D)
Phone: (202) 461-0157
Erica M. Scavella, MD, FACP, FACHE
Medical Inspector (10E1B)
Phone: (202) 461-1075
Joseph Francis, MD
Chief Improvement & Analytics Officer (10A8)
Phone: (202) 302-3310
Mark T. Upton, MD
Acting Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Community Care (13)
Phone: 202-461-7459
Ann E. Doran
Executive Director, Patient Advocacy (10PADV)
Phone: 202-461-7607
Susan R. Kirsh, MD, MPH
Acting Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Access to Care (10NG)
David B Chiesa, DDS
Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Risk Management (10ORE)
Phone: (202) 461-7786
Joel A. Roos
Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Quality, Safety & Value (10E2)
Phone: 202-461-1009
Marjorie A Bowman
Chief Academic Affiliations Officer (10X1)
Gerald (Jerry) Michaud
Executive Director, Office of Communications (10B2)
Phone: 202-461-4801
Lawrence B. Connell

Phone: (202) 761-7016
Fax: (202) 273-9069
Maura Catano
Executive Director, Healthcare Transformation (10T)
Phone: 202-461-5008
Patricia M. Hayes
Chief Officer, Women's Health (10W)
Phone: 202-461-0373
Deborah E. Kramer
Acting Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Support Services (19)
Phone: 202-461-0230
Office Staff

Departmental Administration (DA)

Homeworkmr. mac's 6th grade reference sheet. DA provides central administrative management support to Department officials and coordinates administrative programs and services. Analysis and performance.

National Appeals Division (NAD)

NAD conducts impartial administrative appeal hearings of adverse program decisions made by USDA and reviews of determinations issued by NAD hearing officers when requested by a party to the appeal.

Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement (OPPE)

The Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement develops and maintains partnerships focused on solutions to challenges facing rural and underserved communities in the United States, and connects those communities to the education, tools, and resources available to them through U.S. Department of Agriculture programs and initiatives. We facilitate partnerships and offer education and resources to foster hope and opportunity, wealth creation, and asset building in rural and underserved communities.

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (OASCR)

OASCR's mission is to facilitate the fair and equitable treatment of USDA customers and employees, while ensuring the delivery and enforcement of civil rights programs and activities. ASCR ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies for USDA customers and employees regardless of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and expression), religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital or familial status, political beliefs, parental status, protected genetic information, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all bases apply to all programs.)

Office Staff Gifts

Office of Budget and Program Analysis (OBPA)

OBPA provides centralized coordination and direction for the Department's budget, legislative and regulatory functions. It also provides analysis and evaluation to support the implementation of critical policies. OBPA administers the Department's budgetary functions and develops and presents budget-related matters to Congress, the news media, and the public.

Office of the Chief Economist (OCE)

OCE advises the Secretary on the economic situation in agricultural markets and the economic implications of policies and programs affecting American agriculture and rural communities. OCE serves as the focal point for economic intelligence and analysis related to agricultural markets and for risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis related to Departmental regulations affecting food and agriculture.

Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)

OCFO shapes an environment for USDA officials eliciting the high-quality financial performance needed to make and implement effective policy, management, stewardship, and program decisions.

Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)

OCIO has the primary responsibility for the supervision and coordination of the design, acquisition, maintenance, use, and disposal of information technology by USDA agencies. OCIO's strategically acquires and uses information technology resources to improve the quality, timeliness and cost-effectiveness of USDA services.

Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS)

OCS provides scientific leadership to the Department by ensuring that research supported by and scientific advice provided to the Department and its stakeholders is held to the highest standards of intellectual rigor and scientific integrity. It also identifies and prioritizes Department-wide agricultural research, education, and extension needs.

Office of Communications (OC)

OC is USDA's central source of public information. The office provides centralized information services using the latest, most effective and efficient technology and standards for communication. It also provides the leadership, coordination, expertise, and counsel needed to develop the strategies, products, and services that are used to describe USDA initiatives, programs, and functions to the public.

Office of Congressional Relations (OCR)

OCR serves as the USDA's liaison with Congress. OCR works closely with members and staffs of various House and Senate Committees to communicate the USDA's legislative agenda and budget proposals.

Office of Ethics (OE)

The Office of Ethics (OE) is the centralized office responsible for coordinating and implementing USDA's Ethics program throughout the Department. OE provides ethics services to employees at all levels of USDA concerning advice and training about compliance with ethics laws and regulations, including the conflict of interest and impartiality rules, as well as the rules governing political activity by Federal employees.


Office of the Executive Secretariat (OES)

Office Staff Cv

OES ensures that all Department officials are included in the correspondence drafting and policy-making process through a managed clearance and control system. Keeping policy officials informed of executive documents enhances the Secretary's ability to review sound and thought out policy recommendations before making final decisions.

Office of the General Counsel (OGC)

The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) is an independent legal agency that provides legal advice and services to the Secretary of Agriculture and to all other officials and agencies of the Department with respect to all USDA programs and activities.

Office of Inspector General (OIG)

OIG investigates allegations of crime against the Department's program, and promotes the economy and efficiency of its operations.

Office of the Ombudsperson

The Office of the Ombudsperson helps identify systemic issues related to farmers and ranchers for key USDA programs.

Office of Tribal Relations (OTR)

Office Staff Christmas Gift Ideas

The Office of Tribal Relations is located in the Office of the Secretary, and is responsible for government-to-government relations between USDA and tribal governments.